On Election Day Old Greenwich Daisy Girl Scouts Learns about Women’s Suffrage; Re-Enact Protest

It was Tuesday, Nov 8, and it was Election Day across the nation. Everyone who was old enough was voting. Daisy Girl Scout troop #50147 learned that was not always the case.

To re-enact a protest the girls made signs and marched around the room, shouting “Votes for Women!” Contributed photo

The girls found out that women did not always have the right to vote in the United States. They had the opportunity to hear about a very famous woman who helped lead the way for women to have that right.

Katie Vairo was on hand to tell the girls all about her great-great-aunt, Gertrude Harding, a famous suffragette.

Harding was one of the highest-ranking organizers of the United Kingdom’s militant Women’s Social and Political Union. She was also the editor of an underground newspaper The Suffragette. She later became a social worker in the United States.

During the movement, women often marched with signs to protest. To re-enact a protest the girls made signs and marched around the room, shouting “Votes for Women!”

The Daisy Girl Scout troop leaders are Michelle Horgan and Julie Hammer. Mrs. Vairo is the mother of troop member, Elena.