Upgrades to the Greenwich Town Hall voicemail system will be made on the evening of Wednesday, May 29, 2019.
In order to perform the upgrades, the Town Hall voicemail system will be shut down from 5:00pm to at least 11:00pm on May 29.
This upgrade is in addition to similar work done in late March.
The main # 203-622-7700, including all announcement greetings for this or remote sites on the NEC system, user mailboxes and /or internal access to or remote access to voice mail will be unavailable.
Please note that during the outage callers will be unable to leave voicemail messages.
Callers will have to dial back in to leave messages at a later time or the next day. Outgoing calls will still function if users are in the building during the outage. This outage is just for the voicemail system at Town Hall and also will affect the automated answering and greeting functions in the system.