DPW update: This meeting has been moved to April 9 at 6:00pm in the Town Hall Cone Room.
At the meeting the DPW will share the preliminary design of the North Street Bridge.
This critical project will replace the existing bridge which is located on a major arterial road highly traveled by commuters and is approximately 0.9 miles away from the nearest school.
The Department of Public Works will share the preliminary design of the new bridge, which will cross over West Brothers Brook and run from North Street’s intersection with Cotswood Road to the one with Macpherson Drive.
The current bridge was built in 1909 and then rebuilt in 1950 so it is beyond time for a replacement. Emergency repairs had to be done in 2022 and DPW does not want to risk further issues.
The cost of this project will be covered under the Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP) with funds reimbursable to the Town at 100 percent for construction and construction inspection. The estimated project cost is $3,000,000, which is reimbursed by the LOTCIP grant.
Preliminary bridge design is by WMC Consulting Engineers.
Project Manager: Gabriella M. Circosta Cohee, P.E., Chief Engineer
DPW – Engineering Division
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 203-861-3151
More info is available on the town website here.
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Requests for Accessibility Modifications or Accommodations: The Town complies with all applicable federal and state laws regarding non-discrimination, equal opportunity, affirmative action, and providing reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. If you require an accommodation to participate, please contact the Commissioner of Human Services at 203- 622-3800 or [email protected] as soon as possible in advance of the event.