The Town of Greenwich Department of Public works is hosting a public information meeting to discuss the Shore Road Sidewalk Project.
Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to attend to learn more about the project, ask questions, and provide feedback.
The meeting is Tuesday, March 25 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the Greenwich Town Hall Meeting Room
This meeting will provide an overview of the proposed improvements and offer attendees the opportunity to engage with DPW representatives. We welcome your input and look forward to seeing you there.
Project Information
In 2023 a new sidewalk along the east side of Shore Road, from Tomac Avenue to Sound Beach Avenue, was constructed. Following the completion of that project, the Department of Public Works (DPW) is currently exploring an opportunity to add a new sidewalk from Sound Beach Avenue to South Crossway.
Project Update
The Department of Public Works has received a topographical survey prepared by Rocco V. D’Andrea, Inc., which marks a critical step forward for the Shore Road Sidewalk Project. With this survey in hand, DPW will now begin the design phase of the project. During this phase, DPW will make key decisions such as determining which side of Shore Road the sidewalk will be constructed on and refining construction cost estimates. Once the design advances, DPW will start coordinating with residents to address necessary actions like securing easements, relocating fences, and moving hydrants. As the process progresses, DPW will have a clearer understanding of the specific steps required. The design phase will continue throughout the winter, and DPW will soon reach out to individual property owners to address any specific conflicts between their property frontage and the proposed sidewalk alignment.
Reason for Project
The Shore Road Sidewalk Project was created due to an abundance of community interest and it was identified as a pedestrian safety enhancement by numerous studies. Shore Road is utilized by approximately 2,250 vehicles daily and has several school bus stops.
Eastern Greenwich Neighborhood Plan

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