On Thursday, Feb. 23 at 2:45pm, there will be an infrastructure roundtable in the Town Hall Meeting Room, which will be lead by Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy, who is among many Senators supporting a $1 trillion infrastructure plan.
Senator Murphy, who will be introduced on Thursday by Greenwich Selectman Drew Marzullo, is looking forward to engaging as many people as he can. The meeting is open to the public.
The list of roundtable attendees has yet to be finalized, but some participants include Selectman John Toner, State Rep Fred Camillo, Senior Harvard Fellow Suneel Kamilani, DPW Commissioner Amy Seibert, DPW Deputy Commissioner James Michel, TAG Director James Boutelle, HATG Director Sam Romeo, Greenwich Chamber of Commerce Director Marcia O’Kane. Also invited are Mayors and First Selectmen from other towns.
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“The Senator is very appreciative of all the amazing insight he receives from visiting towns like Greenwich,” Marzullo said of Senator Murphy. “I for one thank him for engaging, and it is important that many of us in our own way, hold accountable President Trump’s campaign promise to rebuild America – and not repair with a piecemeal, Band-Aids, small incremental effort.”
Marzullo argued that America must build 21st century infrastructure, including modern ports, stronger bridges, faster trains and internet.
“Never again should a US city like Flint, or anywhere else for that matter, be subject to drinking water that is poisonous,” he said. “This is crazy. ”
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