LETTER: Thoughts on the MI for Arch and Greenwich Ave

Submitted by Tom West

Thoughts on the MI for Arch and Greenwich Ave

Two thoughts:

  1. The Veteran interests in this project have not been well considered nor well discussed. I don’t think you will find the veteran organizations support this plan even tho some claim their support. This area is the only focal point for veterans wishing to show respect in this town. It’s already unsatisfactory, this plan makes it worse.
  2. There are other solutions that haven’t been well considered. Think bigger to achieve more at a lower cost with less disruption to our history. EG Make Arch one way from Sound View Dr. into Greenwich Ave and possibly make Havemyer one way into the Avenue, or even more creative make Havemyer a dead end (Envision a small park and gathering area).

    Making that small section of Arch Street one way reduces serious accident and traffic problems on Arch Steet at Grigg Street intersection and at Sound View Dr. intersection. Many other positives at the Avenue include improved safety, simplicity, aesthetics and functionality.

    I know Amy and her hard working associates at the Dept of Public works could come up with a more exciting plan for the future if so encouraged.

Turn this one down and give them a chance to improve it.