Submitted by Adele Rota, Glenville
Many of the intersections on Greenwich Avenue are becoming more dangerous by the day.
It is no secret that both motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic has increased exponentially since “the good old days” when cops directed traffic on the Avenue.
While the controversial bump outs were designed as traffic calming measures there continues to be debate as to their effectiveness.
What is both dangerous and frightening is that a vast majority of pedestrians are taking “the right of way” far too literally. Many are not even hesitating when they reach the curb to see if is safe to step off – what happened to the 11th commandment of look both ways before crossing? It is as if they are daring drivers by not glancing their way, rather just continuing to walk, sip their coffee, talk to their companions or look at their phones as they step off the curb even when cars are already in the intersection.
Perhaps fully trained police officers are not necessary to direct traffic and pedestrians however some lower cost, formal traffic authority at key intersections during high volume hours six days a week seems to be an option that should be seriously considered.
With the amount of building that expected to continue happening in town this situation is only going to get worse.
It is not acceptable to just dismiss these concerns and say “it’s never going to happen“, regarding bringing traffic officers back to the Avenue.
The police on bicycles are a great addition to security on Greenwich Avenue but they have a minimal at best impact on traffic safety, which is sorely needed.

Car and pedestrians head into the intersection at the same time. Dec 22, 2024 Photo: Leslie Yager