BERG: Rink User Committee Should Reconsider Ideal Rink Location in Greenwich

Submitted by Peter Berg

To the Editor,

Six RTM committees took up the Rink Municipal Improvement Referral (MI), and all 6 voted to reject it.

When the Rink Committee re-convenes, it needs to consider conducting a Town-wide survey (consistent with Charter Section 99) that asks about an ideal location, such as accessibility by public transit (bus/rail), bicycle, foot, and car; proximity to Greenwich High School, proximity to public parking, and consistency with the goals of the Plan of Conservation and Development.

The ideal location need not be land currently owned by the Town, since this is a 50-year decision.  The existing rink footprint, located on a hilly residential street, may be better suited for housing.

Peter Berg

The writer is a former member of the RTM Transportation Committee and served as Chair of the RTM Land Use Committee for 12 years.