Submitted by Janet Stone McGuigan, Democratic Selectperson
December 1 marked the start of the new term for the Board of Selectmen. I would like to congratulate my fellow Board members, First Selectman Fred Camillo and Selectwoman Lauren Rabin, and while she will not be joining us on the Board, I’d like to thank my running mate Laura Erickson. It is not easy to be the challenger, but presenting a choice makes us all better off, and her gracious leadership continues to inspire me.
As always I’d like to thank my family for their inspiration and unwavering support. They have always been right there with me, even when that means prioritizing community events over family meals – a big deal in a household of young men! But seriously, they are my grounding force and moral compass, and I wouldn’t have taken on this role without them behind me.
There are many people to thank for the parts they played in this election, but I want to especially thank our Registrars of Voters and the small army of poll workers, they are the unsung heroes of our democracy.
Above all, I wish to thank everyone who came out to vote. The success of American democracy is the ability of our citizens to let their leaders know how well they are being served through regular elections. No society will agree on everything, and it is a testament to our governing principles that candidates can debate a wide range of issues, then accept the will of the electorate, and come back together to serve the public good.
And what did we hear in this election? We know what we don’t want – high rises and high taxes. But it was equally clear what we DO want – school facilities that serve our students’ needs and adequate investments in public safety and infrastructure, among a list of concerns.
We would all do well to take heed and work together on these issues. I’m heartened by the pledges I’ve read to work across the aisle, and you can all be assured in good faith I pledge the same. Whatever our differences, I know that our common desire to serve the best interests of our community can bring us together.
In some ways this will be a new beginning for the Selectmen, but much will remain the same. As a Board we have had a term to get to know each other, and I am sure we can build on that in this term.
I remain committed to civility and collegiality, while promoting transparency, good governance, public engagement and open discourse.
I will say what needs to be said and work to make sure our community is heard and every perspective represented. I will uphold the inclusive and forward-thinking values of this community.
It is an honor and privilege to continue to serve as a Greenwich Selectperson. Thank you!