LWV President: Civil discussion requires sharing accurate information.

Submitted by Sandy Waters, Greenwich League of Women Voters

Dear Editor:

Ms. Rota’s Letter to the Editor of the Greenwich Free Press on September 19 about civility in politics is well-timed. (ROTA: What has happened to civility in politics? Sept 18, 2023)

LWV Greenwich agrees that local politics should always be civil.

Civil discussion requires sharing accurate information.

To that end, I want to assure Ms. Rota that her registration to a League event did not cause the Democratic Town Committee to send emails to her.

LWV Greenwich did not and does not share its database or event registration lists with the Democratic Town Committee or with any other town political organization.

LWV Greenwich is not part of an orchestrated political strategy in collaboration with anyone.

LWV Greenwich never engages in partisan political activity, nor does it ever support or oppose any political candidate.

The timing of both LWV Greenwich programming and the increase in marketing by political parties are both inspired by the upcoming election, albeit for very different reasons.

A nonpartisan and nonprofit organization, LWV Greenwich encourages informed and active participation in the democratic process. It works to empower and engage citizens in informed and active participation in local and state government. Our Vision is to build a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and the confidence to participate.

Sandy Waters
LWV Greenwich
[email protected]