LETTER: Teachers’ Religion Political Beliefs, Age Should Not Be a Factor in Hiring

Submitted by Frank Rota, Greenwich

I read the interview of Assistant Principal Boland of Cos Cob School and his derogatory comments against Catholic, conservative and older teachers interviewing for positions and already within the Greenwich schools.

He stated that he would not hire them because they were “too rigid and conservative.”  Since when should a teacher’s “assumed” religious or politics beliefs or their age be considered a factor in hiring them as a teacher in our schools?

This is completely unacceptable and as a resident and taxpayer who pay this administrators’s salary I call for his immediate termination. He is a self describe anti-Catholic, ageist and his discriminatory practices against these groups should not be tolerated any more or less than they would be if you replace the names of these groups with any other religion or social classification.

This confirms that the liberal agenda/dogma is (not so subtlety) being indoctrinated into students by the liberal teachers who work in our schools. Not only is what he has done a disservice to our children it is a black eye and a liability for our town. What a double standard. 
Frank Rota