Letter to the editor Submitted by Meredith Curreri supporting Kathleen Stowe for State rep in 149th district
I am writing to enthusiastically endorse Kathleen Stowe as State Representative of the 149th district.
Kathleen was one of the first people I met in town who made me feel that I would be welcome here. In 2013, like many others before me, I moved with my husband and toddler to Greenwich from New York City. Within two months of moving here (and on my older son’s first day of preschool) I gave birth to my second son. So my start in Greenwich was rocky and chaotic. However, I soon met Kathleen as a fellow parent at Round Hill Nursery School and she quickly made me feel as if I belonged and things would be
alright. As a fellow parent and friend, she is warm and inclusive.
She is also quick to step up to volunteer her time for her kids and the community, and not only for the big things such as the Board of Education, but also the small jobs of class parent and softball coach. As a board member and a resident, she is constantly looking out to improve our town. She is knowledgeable and engaging and there were many mornings we got lost over coffee talking about issues of the day and how they affected us.
As a fellow working mother, I am also impressed with her intelligence and ability to multi-task to keep up with her three kids while working.
She brings a history of financial acumen and deep understanding of
balancing budgets from the hard-earned experience of growing companies.
Kathleen is approachable and affable and, with a long list of accomplishments in the finance industry, she is impressive!
Her love for this town and desire to bring out its best, along with her deep experience in both the private and public sector, further combined with her engagement and warmth (and we shouldn’t forget her humor!) makes Kathleen Stowe the logical and best choice for our next State Representative for the 149th district.
Editor’s note: Letters to the Editor in support of local candidates in the Nov 3, 2020 election may be submitted to [email protected] for consideration beginning July 15 and with a hard deadline of Oct 26, 2020 at noon.