LETTER: Stamford-Based Rowan Center Serves Greenwich Sexual Assault Victims

Submitted by Mary Forman Flynn, CEO, The Rowan Center and Sharon Walker Epps, Board Chair, The Rowan Center

To the Editor,

First Selectman Fred Camillo was right to respond (Camillo: Letter about YWCA Sexual Assault Funding was Misleading Feb 1, 2023) to the inaccuracies in Ms. Sherry Wernicke’s letter to the editor (LETTER: Greenwich Should Fund YWCA Sexual Assault Program Jan 24, 2023). 

We would like to also respond with some other inaccuracies, which are both misleading and damaging to sexual assault victims in Greenwich. It’s simply not true that Greenwich does not have sexual assault services both available and being utilized by its citizens.

The Rowan Center has been serving sexual assault victims in Greenwich for over 40 years.  We have a 24/7 hotline for anyone to call and connect with a state certified sexual assault victim advocate.  We also send these advocates to Greenwich Hospital for all victims of sexual violence when they request one.  We offer free crisis counseling services to all victims and survivors, as well as secondary survivors (parents, loved ones). 

While our offices are right over the city border in Stamford, we offer to come wherever victims need us. 

To be clear, we send our counselors to spaces in Greenwich whenever a request is made.  We have regular hours at Greenwich High School with counselors to help our students

We have always, and will always, welcome any referrals from any agency in Greenwich. All survivors in Greenwich will receive free, high-quality services from state certified trauma informed counselors at The Rowan Center.

One more point. Sexual violence is not political, and making it political is a dangerous precedent.  This type of violence knows no boundaries.  It’s a human issue, not a political one.

If you or someone you know needs our services, or would like to learn more, please call our free 24/7 hotline at 203-329-2929, or text 888-999-5545 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to talk to an advocate.

Mary Forman Flynn
CEO, The Rowan Center

Sharon Walker Epps
Board Chair, The Rowan Center