Camillo: House Bills Would Erode Local Autonomy

Submitted by Fred Camillo: Connecticut General Assembly Testimony

Good afternoon, Chairwoman Moore, Chairman Luxenberg, Ranking Senator Sampson, and Ranking Member Scott…

My name is Fred Camillo, a former colleague of many of you and the current First Selectman of Greenwich.  I hope to be up there soon to testify in person and say hello to you all.

I am here to testify against HB 6590, AAC Certain Protections for Family and Child Care Homes, and HB 6593, AAC Housing Authority Jurisdiction.

Each bill invades local jurisdiction and erodes local autonomy. In the case of HB 6590, the proposed legislation takes away the right of local legislatures to control local zoning and also takes away the right of municipalities to opt out. So much for local control and governance by those who know their towns and cities the best.

HB 6593 would allow housing authorities to expand operations to towns other than the ones they are located in. This may be the most absurd of all. How would the Hartford Housing Authority know what is best for Waterbury, Glastonbury, or Greenwich? Moreover, the local taxpayer would have no say in mandates imposed by entities not answerable to them. 

Lastly, we in Greenwich are proud of our now close to 80 year old housing authority, recently renamed Greenwich Communities. We have a proud history of taking care of our own while looking to always improve upon our housing options and stock.

Please leave local decisions to those best suited to make them and not continue to try a one size fits all approach to 169 municipalities.

Thanks for your time and consideration. I look forward to your questions.


Fred Camillo, First Selectman, Town of Greenwich