KRASNOR: Greenwich Republican Newsletters Speak Untruths

Submitted by Lucy Krasnor, Riverside

For several weeks I have received Greenwich Republican newsletters in my email.  They refer to and are blatantly lying about a non-issue and accuse Laura Erickson and other Democrats as being primarily interested in putting HIGH RISES in Greenwich.

These are scare tactics.

Democrats have NEVER supported high rise buildings for Greenwich and Laura Erickson, the Democratic candidate (Row A) for First Selectperson, vehemently opposes high rises which is not what the Republicans would have you believe.  Laura’s priorities are public safety and schools.

These Republican newsletters lie about Democratic positions since they do not have positive issues to justify votes for their Republican candidates.  Please vote Row A for the Democrats who speak the truth.

NOTE: The deadline to submit letters to the editor about candidates in the Nov 7 municipal election is Oct 30, 2023 at 12:00noon.