Former Greenwich Republican Registrar Endorses Jackie Budkins for Town Clerk Nomination

Submitted by Veronica Baron Musca, Newton, CT

It is with great pleasure I have this opportunity to endorse Jackie Budkins for town clerk of Greenwich. I have known Jackie her entire life and over the years found her to be honest and true as friend of working women in her real estate career, she has demonstrated to me the confidence and intelligence needed when representing all Greenwich citizens in the role of town clerk.

I can testify as your former registrar of voters the role of town clerk must posses honesty, integrity with poised assertive personality combined with self reliant qualities I have found in Jackie Budkins.

I hope you will support Jackie and give her your vote for town clerk.

Veronica Baron Musca
Former Greenwich Republican Registrar of Voters, 1996-2009

UPDATED: GFP Letter to the Editor Policy