Submitted by John Cooper, Greenwich
Trump, MAGA and Ultra-Right won the election in Greenwich Tuesday!
Some would say, but Trump wasn’t on the ballot. True, but his methods were used to perfection. Lies, obfuscation, pointing fingers and attributing absurd behaviors to your opponents were all utilized by the RTC, the party of Fred & Co., to achieve their victory.
“STOP THE HIGHRISES” intimates that the Democrats are FOR building them, a lie. Neither party can stop or inhibit in any way 8-30g applications as it’s in the domain of the Planning & Zoning Commission, no one else.
“BUILD OUR SCHOOLS” could be the definition of chutzpa. On the heels of voting NO or abstaining (3) when the CMS funding came up before the BET, the Rs posted a message of support for the schools as if this is what they do. The head of the RTC congratulated her BET members in getting the funding passed. Guess they assume the townspeople are gullible.
There are additional examples of their seriously bending the truth, but maybe their email says it best, “100 YEARS OF LOW TAXES A REPUBLICAN TRADITION” beating to death the drum that all Greenwichites care about are low taxes. The RTC media posited that if the Dems won the BET, taxes in Greenwich would go up 50%. That had to scare the hell out of seniors and the less well off in town, objective accomplished. No one said they had to play fair or tell the truth.
One last point, the “MILL RATE” the Holy grail of Republicanism. As noted, the Republicans have ruled town for 100 years. It was about 100 years ago that the Republican Town Fathers decided that local government was not going to spend a dime on Social Services, let someone else do that. 90 years ago, those in town who suffered from this attitude were saved by one Helen Wilshire Walsh who founded the Community Chest and Council, the cornerstone of today’s non-profits. Fred continues this charade extolling the virtues of “Public/Private Partnerships” which means let someone else pay for it. In thirty years of non-profit volunteering, I’ve never seen any organization fully funded and able to deliver their complete services.
Finally, capital spending in the stranglehold of the BET’s “NO” rubber stamp, has resulted in poor public safety (our missing ladder truck for the GFD), sewage in OG School, CMS almost falling down, and many other examples.
A low mill rate is great but only if the town is getting the services it needs, the infrastructure is solid and safe (and I don’t mean granite curbing), and those of need in town have those needs met.
Yes, Trump/MAGA won big time in Greenwich Tuesday night (except – thankfully on the RTM), and the people who voted for the administration to continue have no idea how manipulated they were.
Fear is a powerful motivator, powerful enough for people to vote against their best interests.
John Cooper