COOPER: Examples of First Selectman Camillo’s Overreach Are Numerous

Submitted by John Cooper, Greenwich

Humpty Freddy sat on a wall
Eating a High School special
Along came Paul Cappiali
who sat down beside him and said,
Can you put me on the BOE?

Seems that overreach on the part of our current First Selectman has become so frequent that he’s lost sight of what exactly is and isn’t in his purview.

Freddy’s desire for a Greenwich that works exactly how he wants, has brought out his Napoleon complex and resulted in him overstepping in all sorts of areas. Take for example, the bump outs on Greenwich Avenue, dining on the Avenue with the resultant loss of parking spaces, and now filling a seat on the BOE, a chartered State of Connecticut entity, with a crony who is already the Harbor Master for the town.

Freddy has also gone to bat for this same crony, Paul Cappiali by overruling Parks & Rec and the BOE regarding use of the Hamilton Avenue School grounds for the Saint Roch’s Festival.

Don’t even get me started on his redirecting $10MM from the $31MM received by the town from the Federal American Rescue Plan to recover tainted fields and thereby reduce a budgetary line item. The money was supposed to go to Health, Human Services and Infrastructure, not solving a deficiency in the budget.

Contrary to his rosy reputation as Friendly Freddy, he sees many in town as enemies, getting in the way of his plans for running the Town of Greenwich his way. Behind the scenes he displays petulance, anger and a wicked temper, I know as I have witnessed it personally.

Now angry Freddy has sued the BOE and once again will expend town money, time and resources for no reason but to soothe his own ego. This must end; his personal vendettas must be put to rest.