September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. The Greenwich Republican Town Committee (RTC) announced its support and sponsorship of the Tell Every Amazing Lady (T.E.A.L.) Organization, a group formed to raise awareness about ovarian cancer.
Ovarian cancer is a disease that causes more deaths than any other gynecological cancer every year. The mission is to educate Greenwich residents about the signs, risk factors and strategies to prevent this deadly disease.
Ovarian cancer is a silent and deadly killer. The symptoms are vague and non-specific, which allow them to be ignored and tolerated by women. Every year, 23,000 new cases are diagnosed and 14,000 women will die in the United States each year.
Mortality rates for ovarian cancer have not declined in 40 years since the “War on Cancer” was declared and other cancers have shown much greater progress. Women’s lifetime risk of developing Ovarian Cancer is 1 in 79 and the risk of dying is 1 in 109. That is 70% of ovarian cancers are detected in late stages when the survival rate is less than 20%.
It is important to note that most ovarian cancers are non-hereditary – only 10% present from family history or genetic mutation (BRAC).
There will be a ceremony on the steps of Town Hall on September 17 at 6:15pm. First Selectman Peter Tesei will read a proclamation that designates September as Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month in Greenwich.
To commemorate this awareness, Town Hall will be turning the exterior lights TEAL and flying the Ovarian Cancer flags.
“My mom was the picture of health at 40 years old. No signs, symptoms or indicators that she was sick. Within 24 hours she went from an active, working mother, to a hospital bed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer. We did not have family history of breast or ovarian cancer and she did not have the BRAC mutation. Looking back, she did have mild back pain, became very full after meals, had unexplained fatigue and had abdominal bloating. Those were the whispers, and we did not know it,” said Kaile Zagger in a statement. September’s Ovarian Cancer Proclamation honors Zagger.
T.E.A.L. is partnering with other Greenwich civic groups, businesses and individual to bring other programs to Greenwich and heighten the awareness of the fifth-leading cause of all cancer deaths in the United States. There is a free lecture being offered at the YWCA Greenwich, on September 26th at 6:30pm. Leading surgeons and oncologists from
New York Presbyterian Hospital and Yale will be speaking and answering questions on, “How to Prevent and Survive Ovarian Cancer.”
Jackie Budkins, Vice-Chair of the Greenwich RTC, stated, “Greenwich Republicans believe it is important to place a spotlight on this deadly disease and is pleased to be a sponsor of T.E.A.L. The RTC support of this cause is consistent with the Greenwich Republican mission to ensure and facilitate the health and safety of Greenwich residents by partnering with organizations such as T.E.A.L.”