YWCA Greenwich is pleased to announce a call for nominations for its Gender & Racial Equity Scholarship Awards.
This scholarship recognizes sophomores, juniors, and senior students attending private or public schools in the Greenwich area and surrounding communities who have demonstrated a commitment to making their school or community more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and/or antiracist.
Students can be nominated by a member of staff at their local high school, by a community member like a coach, neighbor, or faith leader, or through self-nomination.

Group photo taken at the close of the 2024 Stand Against Racism event at Greenwich Town Hall. April 26, 2024 Photo: Leslie Yager
Those wishing to nominate a student must complete the Student Nomination Form, which includes an explanation describing why your nominee should receive this award and can be found on our website at www.ywcagrn.org/standagainstracism25.
A group of students may be nominated or self-nominated for the award if they have worked collaboratively on a project or initiative that advances gender and/or racial equity in their school or community. Group nominations should not include more than four people. Qualified nominees are those working to create a society where neither race, ethnicity, nor gender identity determines the trajectory or quality of a person’s life.
Each award recipient will receive a scholarship, which will be sent to the university or college of their choice upon admission. The Awards Reception will be presented on Friday, April 25, 2025, during the annual YWCA Greenwich Stand Against Racism event at Greenwich Town Hall.
Winners must be present to receive the scholarship. The deadline for nominations is Monday, April 15.
For more information contact Simone Quartey at 203-869-6501 ext. 104 or at [email protected].
About YWCA Greenwich: Founded in 1919, YWCA Greenwich is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. YWCA Greenwich provides programs for people of all ages with initiatives that include preschool and after school programs, aquatics programs, youth athletics, health and fitness programs and seminars focusing on racial justice and women’s empowerment. Additionally, YWCA Greenwich is the only provider of both domestic and sexual violence services in Greenwich, with staff who are licensed to provide crisis intervention, counseling, shelter, and victim advocacy. These services are free.