Everyone is invited to the annual backcountry Neighbor Day sponsored by the Round Hill Association on Saturday, October 1, 2022.
Celebrate this autumn season by joining neighbors, old friends, and new residents in the area with in-person or virtual visits at friendly and recognizable venues in Round Hill.
Most sites open at 9:00 am and will be providing selected offerings for the in-person visits, but check the included announcement for specific hours of operation and details.
Mention Neighbor Day at Happiness Is, Cobber North, and Round Hill Store for a treat. Some venues may have masking policies, so please respect those who do.
And don’t forget to stop by the Greenwich Audubon between 4:00 and 5:30 for tailgate drinks and snacks. The Round Hill Volunteer Fire Company may have a truck at the Audubon.
Audubon Center – open for walks all day; Hawk Watch
Augustine’s Farm, 1332 King Street – 9-5 pm – pumpkins & vegetables
Foundation House – exterior walking trails – 9 am-12 pm
GRTA – Nichols Preserve – walks 10:30-12 pm
Greenwich Land Trust – stroll
N. Greenwich Congregational Church – 2:30-3:30 pm piano concert; Afghan linen sale
Stateline Fitness – open 9-11 am; observe a class at 9:30 am
The Study Fine Wines – 11 am-6:00 pm; wine tastings
Mention Neighbor Day for a treat:
Happiness Is – 11:30-3:30 pm surprise treat
Cobber North – brunch 10 am-1 pm; free mimosa
Round Hill Store – 10-2 pm warm cider or coffee
Versailles Farms – 9-5 pm; selling greens, mushrooms, honey, charcoal + gift bag of freshly harvested produce