Each year, Mothers for Others joins hundreds of diaper banks around the country to bring awareness to the issue of diaper need. Diaper need, an issue that affects low-income families throughout the United States, is the lack of a sufficient supply of diapers to keep a baby or toddler clean, dry, and healthy.
This year’s National Diaper Need Awareness Week is Saturday, September 24 – Sunday, October 2, 2022. Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo has proclaimed Monday, September 26, 2022 as Diaper Need Awareness Day.
Close to one in three American families struggle to afford enough diapers to keep their child healthy and no government program provides diapers as an essential need for babies.
“The effects of not having enough diapers are considerable, impacting a child’s physical health, a parent’s mental health, and a child’s ability to consistently attend day care so parents can work,” said Elizabeth Peyton, Executive Director of Mothers for Others.
Mothers for Others will begin the week with a community diaper distribution event in the parking lots of Armstrong Court, Wilbur Peck, and Adams Garden in Greenwich on Saturday, September 24, 2022 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
“Our last community diaper distribution day provided over 5,000 diapers to local families in need,” said Peyton. “All are welcome and we will have information available about how to receive diapers on an ongoing basis.”
In 2021, Mothers for Others distributed over 92,000 diapers, and has set a goal to distribute 100,000 in 2022.
Every child deserves to be clean, dry, and healthy. You can help us meet diaper need in lower Fairfield County by hosting a diaper drive or donating to our virtual diaper drive at mothersforothers.org/virtual-diaper-drive.
Mothers for Others supports the well-being of low and limited income families by providing diapers for children from birth to three years old. Mothers for Others distributes diapers in partnership with Children’s Learning Centers, Family Centers, Greenwich Department of Human Services, Inspirica, Malta House, and Person to Person. To learn more, visit mothersforothers.org.