ALL WELCOME regardless of faith
The entire community is invited to a special service to honor First Responders with a Color Guard procession followed by a worship service at Christ Church Greenwich at 10:00 am, Sunday, September 26.
Christ Church honors the 125th Anniversary of the Greenwich Police Dept and all First Responders who continue to help get Greenwich through the pandemic as it ebbs and flows.

“Christ Church Greenwich and its members are so grateful to have an outstanding police force to ensure the welfare and safety of our community and for all of the first responders who exercise courage and compassion and make incredible sacrifices and put their lives at risk to care for the residents of the Town of Greenwich,” said Reverend Marek Zabriskie in a release. “We salute them, hold them in our prayers, give thanks for their vital work and their vocations and honor our police force as it celebrates its 125th anniversary.”
COVID protocols at the time of this service will be followed.
9:15 Gather for coffee and a continental breakfast in the Parish Hall
9:45 Color Guard, flag bearers and First Responders procession begins from the Parish Hall, along the side of the church, and into the front entrance of the church.
10:00 service with celebrants Police Chief James Heavey and Neighbor to Neighbor Executive Director, Margaret Tjimos Goldberg
11:15 Special Forum and coffee with Guest Speaker Chief James Heavey
About Christ Church Greenwich:
Christ Church is a lively community of faith composed of people with diverse backgrounds, circumstances, and spiritual journeys, bound together by God’s love for all people everywhere and united in the common mission to seek and serve God in all persons. We fulfill this work through the dedicated ministries of over 300 volunteers annually, who serve on more than 40 commissions, committees, guilds and task forces. In addition, Church hosts and supports more than 20 community meetings per week including 12-step programs, choral and music groups, neighborhood groups, and children’s programs. The Christ Church Preschool is a regional leader in early education, and our bookstore, Dogwood Gifts and Books, is a thriving resource of both faith-based and secular books. Their 40-year partnership with Neighbor to Neighbor allows them to serve those in Greenwich who are in need of food.
The Mission of Christ Church Greenwich is to be a vibrant Episcopal community proclaiming God’s love for every human being, no exceptions. Following Jesus’ teachings is their compass for personal growth, community outreach and harmonious living. Its vision is to seek and serve God in all people through inspiration from the Bible, worship, community outreach, music, and art in our sacred historic home.
About the Greenwich Police Department:
Mission Statement: The Greenwich Police Department, acting without fear or favor, will strive to provide superior law enforcement and public services in cooperation with its community. The Department will actively promote an environment that encourages independent judgment and allows its employees to attain the highest levels of professional achievement.
Core Values: Service We recognize that our chosen profession requires us to put the welfare of the public; our peers and subordinates; and that of the organization before ourselves.
Respect: We value all persons; recognize that our diversity strengthens us and celebrate it; remember our past and the sacrifices of others made on our behalf, and willfully subjugate ourselves to the rule of law.
Courage: We will always face difficult situations with confidence, determination, and bravery and shall never shrink from the responsibility to do what is right because of physical fear, lack of will, or mental trepidation.
Fairness: We must always act in a way that is just, ethical, equitable, honest, and transparent never displaying favoritism or allowing prejudice or undue influence to color our professional decisions.
Diligence: We will selflessly apply ourselves in duty to the community and devotion to each other with both persistent industry and steadfast vigor.
Questions about this event?
The Rev. Dr. Cheryl McFadden at [email protected]
or (203) 869.6600 x 28
For more info about Christ Church:
For more information about the Town of Greenwich Police Department: