Greenwich Dept of Public Works will begin the annual leaf collection program on Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
Check the Town of Greenwich website at ToG Leaf Collection for information on when your neighborhood is scheduled for leaf pick-up.
Weather permitting, leaf collection will be done Mondays through Saturdays and, as usual, there will be two leaf collections per numeric section in Town.
Leaf collection is anticipated to be completed in mid-December.
Find out when leaves will be collected from your section here or call the 24-hour leaf collection hotline at (203) 618-7698, Both the hotline and web link will become active on November 4.
The program is only for half-acre or smaller residential properties.
The town asks residents to be courteous to neighbors and not to pile the leaves at the curb too early as it creates safety hazards for pedestrians.
Greenwich Police noted that residents in the collection areas are to rake leaves only near the street but off the roadway, sidewalks, and catch basins. Residents must avoid raking leaves onto the pavement, sidewalk, catch basin grates, and open channels, which can cause drainage and flooding during rainy periods.
Greenwich Police noted sticks, branches, and garden refuse will not be collected, and placing leaf piles on the road and sidewalks is punishable by a fine.
Further, they courage residents put leaves in biodegradable paper bags and place them for collection at the curb. No plastic bags of leaves will be picked up.
Prior to November 12 residents with permits for Holly Hill Resource Recovery Facility can bring leaves to the dump during normal hours.