Why you should vote for the Democratic Slate for the BET on November 7

Submitted by the Democratic Candidates for Board of Estimate and Taxation: Elliot M. Alchek, Scott Kalb, Leslie Moriarty, Matt DesChamps, David Weisbrod  and Stephen Selbst

This November, the choice is clear: If you want the best stewardship possible for our town’s financial management, you should vote for the Democratic slate for the Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET). Democrats bring over 100 years of combined experience, professionalism, and long-term vision to the BET.

Here are a few things we stand for:

1. We are committed to excellent schools. We voted for appropriate funding for critical projects at Central Middle School and Old Greenwich School (CMS and OGS); our opponents didn’t.

2. We are committed to keeping our mill rate low. Our opponents have underinvested in our town’s infrastructure for many years and this strategy has become hazardous both physically and financially, especially with construction inflation running in the double digits. Consequently, costs are rising, and the burden for our residents is growing. For example, delays in funding the CMS project have increased costs by well over $10 million dollars, while delays in funding repairs for OGS have increased that bill by millions more. With responsible leadership and smart financial planning, the Democratic BET team will address this backlog while keeping our taxes low.

3. We are committed to maintaining Greenwich’s strong financial position and AAA rating for the long term. Our opponents have been trading off low mill rates in the short run for significantly higher rates later on. Our town is taking increasing risk that infrastructure fails and potentially hurt our children or teachers. We will maintain our infrastructure in good repair because it is safer and less costly in the long run.

4. We are committed to managing our Town’s finances in a professional, transparent and non-partisan way. Despite misinformation spread by our opponents, when the Democrats gain control of the BET, we will not increase debt levels without bipartisan approval (as per the Town Charter).

If you care about keeping our mill rate low, about deteriorating school buildings impacting safety and property values, about avoiding unnecessary, wasteful cost increases, and about maintaining standards of excellence in our schools and infrastructure, then vote for the Democratic slate of the BET this November.

The party that receives the most votes for its BET candidates will get the chairmanship and tie breaking vote, so please support all of us on election day. With a majority, we will reverse the harmful and costly delay tactics that have characterized past leadership and will get Greenwich back on course.

Elliot M. Alchek

Scott Kalb

Leslie Moriarty

Matt DesChamps

David Weisbrod

Stephen Selbst