TARKINGTON: Return Ryan Fazio to the Connecticut Senate

Submitted by Leslie L. Tarkington

Ryan Fazio is the leader to represent the Connecticut 36 the Senate District. With energy business experience, he is a leading advocate for lowering our electricity costs. Due to legislation initiated by Ryan, the Eversource electricity Supply, Transmission, Local Delivery, and “Public Benefits” costs are itemized on our monthly bills.

Benefits to whom? The young family, the senior on a fixed income? Our Town of Greenwich? Yet, we all pay legislative mandated utility costs without having budgeted them.

These electricity costs have become a conversation topic. Rather than approving them in the State budget as a line item, the legislated Public Benefits section represents costs supporting State mandated energy programs, policies, and initiatives. Current Public Benefits monthly costs are almost equal to that of energy supply from Eversource and about 29% of the Eversource bill.

Public Benefits consists of two areas. Combined Public Benefits Charges are costs to support state authorized energy programs for the costs of hardship customers not paying their bills. The FMCC charge, or Federally Mandated Congestion Charge, includes costs to pay for the state ordered Millstone nuclear power purchase agreement, and programs including zero-emission credits, home renewable energy, and the cost of electric vehicle charging stations. Together the charges increased by 484% from the May to the September bills.

With colder winter weather approaching, electricity usage will increase, and the Public Benefits section of our bill, charged on metering, will rise appreciably. As disclosed on the Company website, an average Eversource residential customer uses 700 kWh monthly. At a current Public Benefits rate of $0.08817 kWh, the monthly cost is $62 or up to $700 a year.

Ryan Fazio improved regulatory oversight to protect consumers and has creative solutions to implement utility bill reductions. He requested a Special Legislative Session to curb rising bill costs by applying available American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) federal grants. He is calling for the utility regulatory authority (PURA), to be independent rather than report to a state government department (DEEP).

Please vote Ryan Fazio to continue bi-partisan leadership in the Connecticut State Senate, reduce our electric utility bills, and increase government transparency.

Leslie L. Tarkington

Editor’s note: The deadline for submitting letters to the editor about candidates in the Nov 5, 2024 election for consideration was Oct 29, 2024 at 12:00 noon.