Schieffelin: A Mom Who Votes

Submitted by Susan Schieffelin, A Mom who votes

I recently received a letter from ‘The Voting Moms’ about the Republican and Democratic Caucus coming up this week and I must congratulate them on producing such a professionally polished piece. I must also thank Jenna and Emily for being a bit more civil in their letter this time and for not slandering me, and other members of the GOP, as being extremists simply for not agreeing with their ideas and for being fiscally conservative.

It may interest these ladies to know that I, and many other Moms and Dads are voters too. The difference is that with people like me, what you see is what you get: someone who is not supported by a local (yet nationally Democratic affiliated and funded) organization and someone who has not worked on national Democratic campaigns. The Voting Moms clearly show a complete lack of transparency!

I got involved with the Greenwich Republicans two years ago because I am worried about the direction our country is headed in. I am a mother of 4 who has lived in Greenwich for 29 years and raised her children here.

I volunteer my time working for several civic and charitable organizations and have worked hard with an amazing group of people on the RTC, common sense conservatives. Dedicated people who believe that our elected officials should be good stewards of our hard-earned money, and who want to hold our town to the excellent principles and standards we were founded on.

I am extremely proud to have worked under the leadership of the current RTC. We delivered what we promised to our constituents. I applaud Jenna and Emily for encouraging participation in the upcoming caucuses. All voices should be respectfully heard. Our republic relies on these principals.

If only these ‘Voting Moms’ were forthright on who they really are, and practiced the civility they now are calling for.

Susan Schieffelin
A Mom who votes