LOBALBO & SONI: Dear Parents, Yes We Can!

Submitted by Katherine LoBalbo and Pragati Soni

We saw ‘The Voting Moms’ profile and as elected moms, and candidates in District 2, we wanted to add our perspective!

While running for State Senate or US Congress is impractical and unless you have a lot of time and resources it is impractical for most Americans – less than 7% of Congressional Representatives are mothers of minors.

Local office like the RTM can be accessible – Pragati joined the RTM in 2021, is the Secretary for the District, is a member of the Junior League, has a background in technology, serves on the Appointment Committee, and has two daughters that attend Cos Cob Elementary.

Katherine also has two daughters, she is a registered architect, the Moderator Pro Tem, Chair of Park and Recreation, and has served on the RTM since 2015.

As parents of young children, your lived experience is a valuable resource. Young families often span generations and have to navigate kids but also caring for aging grandparents, balancing the budget meticulously to negotiate costs of childcare, low taxes matter as much as quality public education, and being a parent results in becoming a hyper efficient decision maker with free time in high demand.

Parents like us are on the ballot and if you are considering local office we hope to be there to welcome you.

Running isn’t for everyone but this year you don’t have to run you to get involve – your vote will make a difference on November 7th!