Submitted by Joe Montanaro, Greenwich Republicans
Superintendent Jones sent an email Monday afternoon to a segment of the GPS Community containing highly inaccurate depictions of a flyer distribution near CMS.

We are severely dismayed and disappointed by Toni Jones’ email which was sent to a segment of the GPS Community Monday afternoon. It is disheartening to see her falsely claim the existence of disruptive traffic issues and confusion for families. Her email falls short of the professionalism one would expect from our superintendent of schools. Toni Jones resorted to rash reactions without verifying the facts. Her own official at CMS greeted and permitted distribution to interested individuals. As a body, we hold the superintendent to a higher standard. We anticipate communications grounded in accurate information and transparency. We’ve noted a lack of such transparency with several other ongoing issues surrounding GPS. On Tuesday, did GHS parents get an email stating the student center was closed because there have been so many fights? GHS students had to eat outside or off campus today.

We have made it a point to shine a light on the politics being played by certain school organizations in
recent weeks. Beginning with the scathing PTAC letter attacking the Republican BET and continuing with the actions of the CMS PTA Board in removing a board member for pointing out the political nature of a recent PTA meeting. That meeting involved two CMS building committee officials who were lobbying the board to mobilize and organize parents with the message that CMS needs more money to be built.
Dr. Jones’ statement that the handing out of flyers “caused disruptive traffic issues and confusion for families dropping off their children. Some students were late for class as a result of this” is highly misleading and extremely subjective. Not to mention, ask any CMS parent about their tardy system issues which mark students late when they are clearly present on time. Bottom line is it is startlingly irresponsible for her to release her statement without knowing the facts, or worse, ignoring the facts for political purposes. We believe in efforts to promote transparency and accountability in our GPS system.
We condemn the actions of Dr. Jones and would like a public correction to her invalid statements regarding Monday’s events.