Greenwich DTC: Anti-semitic tropes and Photoshopped images to smear BET candidates have no place in Local elections

Statement from Greenwich Democratic Town Committee:

“It’s a shame that a once venerable, storied party would stoop to racist tropes, coded innuendo, and Photoshopped images to smear neighbors volunteering to run for public office,” said Joe Angland, chairman of the Greenwich Democratic Town Committee, “but that’s no longer a surprise to anyone following today’s Greenwich’s Republican Town Committee.”

Angland was responding to social media posts and Photoshopped images by the Greenwich Republican Party (RTC) calling a Jewish candidate for the Board of Estimate and Taxation a “globalist,” a term used by members of the far right to suggest that Jewish people have an allegiance to some worldwide system rather than to their own country. 

“With our First Selectman running for re-election on a platform of ‘unity’,” it is unseemly for his party to post this kind of hateful speech,” said Angland.

Like the vast majority of residents, our six candidates running for the town’s finance board feel it’s time to turn the page on partisan mudslinging. They will work across party lines, listen to the community, and craft a budget that provides for a better Greenwich.

This dream team of neighbors, Scott Kalb, Leslie Moriarty, Steve Selbst, David Weisbrod, Elliot Alchek and Matt DesChamps, have lived in Greenwich with their families for decades, and also happen to be some of the most accomplished professionals in finance to run for office here. Our candidates have: 

  • launched an innovative new business in CT, 
  • managed the issuance of billions of dollars of municipal bonds, 
  • invested billions in start-up companies, 
  • run planning and strategy for a major materials technology firm, 
  • run a national clearinghouse for financial securities,
  • managed a $200 billion sovereign wealth fund,
  • and saved clients billions through restructuring transactions. 

On top of that they have volunteered their time to the Greenwich community for many years. They intend to run a clean campaign focused on how Greenwich will benefit under new leadership.