GOSS: Rink User Committee, Entire Rink Process Feels Like Groundhog Day

Submitted by Dean C Goss, RTM District 1

I’m writing in response to Bill Drake’s recent letter to the editor regarding the town’s rink, Partisan Greenwich Democrats Take Aim. Jan 31, 2025

It is appropriate that I’m writing this on Groundhog Day, as many now commonly refer to the entire rink process. [The Rink User Committee  –(RUC) and its interface with various town and volunteer organizations, most recently the RTM]…..as similar to the movie Groundhog Day.  All sorts of people have said to me on multiple occasions, ‘You know Dean, it just reminds me of Groundhog Day.’

In the movie–Bill Murray keeps reliving the same day over and over; in Greenwich, the RUC makes a proposal…it is not approved by whatever town entity – they [RUC] don’t incorporate any suggestions made – then [RUC] comes back in say six months – with basically the same proposal – it’s shot down again, with the same suggestions made – six months later they make an essentially identical proposal, without the suggestions being incorporated – it’s shot down again – and on and on we go.

Given the recent lopsided NO vote in the RTM – one can safely assume this whole process is no longer seen as ‘funny’– and the Greenwich public’s patience has been seriously taxed – and hopefully we are moving away from Groundhog Day with the January vote.

A few things:

1) This is the most NON-PARTISAN situation I have seen in my 9 or so years on the RTM. People who seldom or never agree [on the RTM] on anything – agree on this-and agree together – a flawed process that needs change to move forward. It is not a Democrat vs Republican ‘thing.’ This is supported by votes from RTM committees – that were quite broadly negative as a whole on the MI.

2) Regarding the letter to the editor James Waters sent the day after the NO vote – the gist of it was basically the minutes / record / rehash of what the public has wanted/been saying for years about the rink rebuilding process – in well written form.  In other words – while being very polished and actionable – I saw it as presenting what seems to be the consensus to move the process forward quickly from here – and not any individualized manifesto but rather a reasonable consensus – and it is what the Rink User Committee should have been considering all along. By having some sound points in writing and a game plan – it has probably already saved us several months in the rink rebuilding process – if we can get going on it. (One more thing – I’d rather spend time with my grandkids – if James wants to be involved in a new rink committee –fine with me!)

3) I feel that the Byram 4 have been very civil, well spoken, reasonable and civic-minded throughout this process. Not hot and bothered, as this [BD’s] letter comes across as being. Mr. Al Shehadi, one of the Byram 4, who I heard speak twice, is mentioned in Mr. Drake’s letter as being against the rink – but I never heard this per se when he spoke – but rather he [and most] want/s this rebuild decision done – but done right, not rushed, with plenty of public input. They have been very giving with their time in a very calm and old fashioned and articulate manner.

4) Our First Selectman is popular – but more and more people are scratching their chins wondering why he’s letting this situation in its present form – fester. I think the 50 or so YES votes – way overstated support for the MI as they didn’t want to embarrass Fred.

5) Members of the current RUC – are accomplished in their professional lives – but surely they’ve had situations that didn’t go their way before. I think that for the rink rebuild – for whatever reason – they are [or perceived to be] way, way, way, away from what the Greenwich public wants in regard to the rink rebuild. It is just the way it is. Opposite sides of the spectrum.

6) The idea of a committee patterned after school building committees is dissed – but this has worked well in the past for the town.

7) Finally – instead of writing this letter, I think Mr. Drake should have written something to the effect that he and the committee have done their best – worked very hard – put in long hours, etc., but given the recent RTM vote – it is best if they resign and let another committee take over; they wish the new rink committee the best and their full support. This letter comes across to me as not listening to the public again.

Dean C. Goss
RTM District 1