From the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters:
The Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) has endorsed Alexis Gevanter (D) to represent the 36th Senate District.
“Alexis Gevanter is the clear choice for anyone who cares about our environment and the climate crisis,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director.
The candidates could not be farther apart in their approach. Alexis Gevanter believes that protecting our environment and bringing down the cost that we are all paying for a worsening climate is a matter of protecting the values we share. She will make this fight a priority in the legislature for all of our families, our children, and their future families.
Her Republican opponent, Ryan Fazio, is outspoken in his opposition to sensible climate legislation to reduce polluting emissions from transportation. Anyone paying attention should be alarmed at this week’s stunning report by the International Panel on Climate Change. Unlike Fazio, CTLCV’s endorsed candidate understands that we need bold action now. The voters of Senate District 36 would do well to elect Alexis Gevanter to represent them in Hartford.
“Who we elect to this seat will directly affect our legislature’s capacity to tackle climate change,” said Brown. “We need someone whose values reflect the public’s concerns for our environment and will work to pass common-sense policies that will protect our state.”
Connecticut faces major challenges to better manage our energy and transportation infrastructure, and to minimize and mitigate the adverse environmental impacts these systems have on our climate, and especially on our most vulnerable communities. CTLCV was impressed with Gevanter’s clear understanding of these issues and strong statement about her environmental priorities for the district.
CTLCV is a bipartisan, statewide, non-profit organization dedicated to protecting Connecticut’s environment by making it a priority for our elected leaders. We work in concert with Connecticut’s environmental advocacy groups to identify and highlight important bills impacting our air, water, wildlife, open space, and our health, and hold legislators accountable for their votes in our annual Scorecard.