Camillo: We Must Keep Our Eye on the Ball, and Foot on the Pedal

Letter to the editor from First Selectman Fred Camillo

As our Town reopens to a new normal, and with new and exciting dining and shopping experiences, we must remain vigilant against a virus that is still present.

With that said, I urge everyone who is out and about enjoying the many facilities and amenities in our beautiful community, to please bring their masks with them and wear when in close proximity to others.

I also caution everyone to continue to be cognizant of and practice the physical and social distancing protocols that have kept our Town from enduring the extremely high number of confirmed Covid-19 cases per capita that was experienced in other communities. We must keep our eye on the ball and foot on the pedal.

Together we will continue to stay ahead of the game by exercising caution and prudence. Together, we will enjoy the summer ahead in good health and spirits.

Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you all around Town in the weeks and months ahead.

Fred Camillo
Greenwich First Selectman