Bruce Museum Elects 12 New and 5 Returning Trustees

As the Bruce Museum proceeds with its transformative renovation and expansion project, it does so with the dedication and commitment of the volunteer leaders who are guiding the Greenwich cultural institution toward its exciting future as the “New Bruce.”

Museum Members elected 12 new and 5 returning Trustees to the Board at the Annual Meeting of Members in June. The Trustees held their first meeting of the fiscal year on September 24, 2019.

The Bruce Museum welcomes the following individuals to the governing body:

Sue Moretti Bodson, head of a management advisory firm that focuses on nonprofits;
Maryann Keller Chai, nationally prominent automobile industry analyst;
William Deutsch, founder of an international wine and spirits distributor;
Sachiko T. Goodman, real estate professional;
Tracy Bishop Holton, attorney and author;
John Ippolito, senior managing director of a global wealth management firm;
Simone McEntire (Vice Chair), fashion industry veteran with a background in art history;
Kathleen L. Metinko, attorney and partner at leading accounting firm;
Laurie Rubin, art advisor;
Deborah Simon, art connoisseur and community volunteer;
Judith K. Stein, MD, radiologist (retired);
Sue Ann Weinberg, philanthropist.

These new Board members join returning Trustees elected to a new term: Patricia W. Chadwick (Treasurer), Kamie Lightburn, Susan E. Lynch (Honorary Board Chair), Charles M. Royce, and Betsey Ruprecht.

These new Trustees in the Class of 2022 bring the total number of elected Trustees to 33, joining Aundrea B. Amine (Vice Chair), Allison Brant, Vicki Netter Fitzgerald, Ellen A. Flanagan (Member-at-Large), Rebecca Gillan, Lucile M. Glasebrook, Michael A. Kovner, Pamela M. Lawrence, James B. Lockhart III (Chair), Deanna M. Mulligan, Julia Balaeskoul Nusseibeh, Candace Procaccini, Heidi Brake Smith, Ann Pappajohn Vassiliou, Jacqueline Adler Walker, and Martha R. Zoubek.

The group is composed of people from varied backgrounds who have a passion for the mission of the Bruce, which is to promote the understanding and appreciation of art and science to enrich the lives of all people. They utilize their time and talents to foster community relations, to guide the institution for the benefit of everyone who enjoys the Museum’s myriad programs, and to ensure the growth and sustainability of the institution—including the $60 million Campaign for the New Bruce.

In addition, the Board includes three ex officio members from the Town of Greenwich: First Selectman Peter J. Tesei; Thomas J. Byrne, Moderator of the Representative Town Meeting; and Board of Estimate and Taxation Chair Jill Oberlander, as well as Robert Wolterstorff, the Museum’s Susan E. Lynch Executive Director.

The Museum’s Board of Trustees holds governing and fiduciary responsibilities for Bruce Museum, Inc., the nonprofit 501(c)3 organization which manages the Museum’s operations under the authority of the Management Agreement with the Town of Greenwich. The Museum building and its collections of nearly 25,000 objects are resources owned by the Town of Greenwich and held in trust for the people of Greenwich. Trustees are elected annually by the membership in accordance with the bylaws, which stipulate that board members are elected for a three-year term that is renewable for a second three-year term.

Presiding over the Board at this pivotal moment in the Museum’s history is Jim Lockhart, the newly elected Chair and a longstanding Trustee. Lockhart is the former Vice Chairman of WL Ross & Co. LLC, an affiliate of Invesco, a Fortune 500 investment management firm. Previously, he served in the U.S. Government in a series of Presidential-appointed, Senate-confirmed positions, including the Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the Deputy Commissioner and Chief Operating Officer of Social Security, and Executive Director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

Robert Wolterstorff, the new Susan E. Lynch Executive Director, remarks, “At this exciting moment in the Bruce’s evolution, these dynamic and engaged volunteer leaders are the catalysts to bring the Campaign for the New Bruce to a successful conclusion.  We eagerly anticipate the opportunities that the New Bruce will bring to the community.”

To learn more about the Campaign for the New Bruce, visit or contact Whitney Lucas Rosenberg, Director of Development and Institutional Advancement, at 203-413-6765 or [email protected].