Op Ed by Jeff Ramer respecting Kordick v. Greenwich settlement
Today was an unfortunate day for Greenwich taxpayers. The Town today acceded to a settlement of Mr. Mark Kordick’s claims against the Town for his wrongful termination from Town employment. The lawsuit was precipitated by the reckless behavior of our First Selectman, Fred Camillo, in his personal squabble with Mr. Kordick.
The claim will cost the taxpayers $1.5 million.
This is money that could have paid for needed equipment for our First Responders that the Republican controlled Board of Estimate and Taxation cut from the Budget.
Mr. Camillo may deny his involvement in the firing or deny that the firing of Mr. Kordick was personal and retaliatory, but Mr. Camiillo’s own contemporaneous emails and texts in the Court record show differently:
“He [Mr. Kordick] is the biggest scum bag of all. He better pray that I do not win because I would be police commissioner and he will be gone.’”– Camillo text October 28, 2019.
“That fat f**k Kordick, he’ll get his too.”– Camillo email October 25, 2019.
The Republicans’ claim that the Town would have won this case seem ludicrous in the face of these “smoking gun” communications authored by Mr. Camillo.
Whatever you may think of the actions of Mr. Kordick, the fact that $1.5 million of our taxpayer dollars are wasted on the collateral damage from Mr. Camillo’s personal squabbles is a travesty.
And the failure of Mr. Camillo to candidly admit to whatever may have been his personal involvement in this mess is a disappointment.
Jeff Ramer