RABIN Frightened And It’s Not Because of Halloween

Submitted by Lauren Rabin

Our town shows its community spirit (pun intended!) around Halloween by creating inclusive experiences for all the trick-or-treaters, no matter how scary the decorations. However, it’s not Halloween or the decorations that frighten me most this year.

What should scare all of us is the upcoming election for our State House and Senate seats, as we could have a super majority of Democrats representing our state when only 30% of our voters affiliate with the Democratic Party in the town of Greenwich. And, unlike years past, these same Democrats were absent at the Italian flag raising at the St. Lawrence Society’s Columbus Day dinner and the David Theis Awards.

The Democrats say we should vote for them because they have a “seat at the table,” meaning unless you are in the majority party, the minority party is not welcome? Instead of talking about what they’ll do for the residents of Greenwich, Democratic mailer after mailer is merely attacking the other opponent. What a waste of money, but some candidates have plenty of it (one candidate’s campaign funding shows over 5O% of the funds raised are from OUTSIDE of CT!).  It isn’t very comforting to think that only wealthy people or those with wealthy connections or families should consider running to represent us. We need representatives who will solicit feedback from all community members regardless of party affiliation. I’m voting for Ryan, Tina, Paul and Tod, all on row B. I encourage you to do the same if you are frightened like me.