LETTER: Pollinator Mural Would Set a Precedent

Submitted by George Sherwin, Cos Cob

I’ve been following the discussions surrounding the “pollinator” mural opposite GHS. It is partially complete, but in limbo, awaiting RTM approval.

While I think it’s a worthy project, I agree with the RTM public works committee that voted to withhold approval.

First and foremost is the matter of setting a precedent for future such proposals around town. I have no doubt there are and will be other proposals, so let’s take the time to think through all the ramifications of such murals before green lighting this one. Establish clear criteria that dovetail with existing town objectives to help keep Greenwich so attractive. After all, retail signs require permits so something semi-permanent like this should, too.

A second, obvious concern is the upkeep/maintenance of a mural. While the pollinator mural would have a graffiti sealant, there’s $1,500 provided for regular cleaning. How might winter’s salt impact it? Who will determine if the mural becomes so degraded that it should be removed?

My understanding is it must stay up for two years, then town is responsible for its removal and the associated cost. Were it to become an eyesore, I believe any determination on its condition/early removal timing should be made solely by the Selectmen –  without a two year commitment.

There are bound to be many other questions that should be addressed from a policy standpoint.

Let’s get it right the first time.