HUXTA: I’ll do what’s best for my family, you do what’s best for yours

Submitted by Kerrie Huxta, Greenwich

I was shocked when I read the recent headline, “DeSantis is Unwelcome in Greenwich.” It illustrated the extent to which some want to shut down rather than accept dialogue. Instead of barring a Governor and probable presidential candidate from visiting, let’s listen to and respect what he has to say. In this free country with its dynamic two-party political system, we’re all entitled to our opinions. Our different opinions are what make this country so special and powerful.

For anyone with a negative knee-jerk reaction to Republicans, please consider the party’s many positive contributions, like these:

Republicans worked hard to keep kids in school and to remove harmful mask mandates.

Our kids are struggling with mental health issues, surging during and after the pandemic lockdowns. American students have also regressed in subjects like math. Could it be because they are spending less time on classical subjects and more time on social and emotional issues? Should those social and emotional conversations be happening at school or in the home? Could these new subjects be causing the additional anxiety and depression they are exhibiting? It is unfortunate that politics plays a role in the health and education of our children and that we even need to ponder those questions.

Republicans are against teaching mature, politicized topics in school.

School children are being exposed to books about sex and gender ideology, which can contribute to their identity confusion, only exasperating their anxiety and depression. Parents that are concerned are being called “book banners.” No, we are not suggesting that the books be banned, but that our vulnerable children are not exposed to content they may not be mature enough to understand. It’s sad that the images in these books are banned from Facebook and Board of Education meetings, yet celebrated in the hands of children. If someone can explain how that makes any sense, I would love to hear it!

Republicans want to be energy independent, diversified and allow citizens to have choices.
Finding a solution to global warming is extremely difficult. Certain groups are against drilling for oil because it would disturb the ecosystem. Yet, they support mining for the lithium and cobalt needed to make electric car batteries, which would also disturb the ecosystem. It’s this type of hypocrisy and lack of common sense that causes certain groups and political parties to lose credibility on these issues. Forcing individuals to buy an electric car or ban the use of gas stoves is impractical. Our electrical grid can hardly handle the burden already placed on it.

Yes, climate change is concerning and complicated. No one is denying that humans have played a role. But global warming is also due in large part to nature. Just bear these facts in mind: The Earth is billions of years old. Scientists have recorded five significant ice ages throughout Earth’s history. Each time the planet emerges from an ice age, it warms. This means warming occurred several times in the past, way before cows and gas-powered cars. In fact, there was more CO 2 in the air during the age of the dinosaurs than today. Currently, we are in a warm interglacial period, so yes, the planet is getting warmer. The reality is: the earth will move through cycles of heating and cooling with or without us (and the cows and cars).

Republicans seek to protect individual liberty. It is the essential reason behind the founding of this great country.
Many recent op-eds written by Greenwich Democrats tout democracy and freedom. However, when it comes down to it, it seems they’re only okay with free speech and open discussion when their values are being expressed. We need to acknowledge that while we are one nation, we are many individuals, and if our values are so drastically different, we need to find a way to make it work for all perspectives. Simply put, I’ll do what’s best for my family, you do what’s best for yours, and let’s respect the fact that we are fortunate to have that freedom!