Submitted by Monica Prihoda, Old Greenwich
While I am a RTM member for Old Greenwich, District 6, the opinion below is my own not that of the RTM.
To the Editor:
The proposal being put forth by Carl Higbie reminds me of a petulant child who states “you’re not the boss of me” and resents not getting his way (Greenwich Time, 9/11/20 and Greenwich Free Press “RTM Member to Propose “My body, my choice. My business, my choice” Mask Wearing Ordinance,” 9/12/20).
What Mr. Higbie fails to realize is it’s not all about him. It’s about community and caring for each other.
On the issue of comorbidity which Mr. Higbie raises: All immune systems are not the same whether you are young, middle-aged or elderly. The minor inconvenience of wearing a mask means a child with asthma, a high school student with an autoimmune disease, a person with a lung or heart condition of any age or a recent retiree can feel safer in the Town of of Greenwich because the Town cares and values their well being and their lives.
I support our Governor Ned Lamont and First Selectman Fred Camillo for their actions for the Greater Common Good. I want to thank the RTM Moderator Tom Byrne for continuing RTM zoom meetings which begin this week, knowing there are RTM members such as Mr. Higbie who disregard scientifically evidenced COVID-19 safety measures such as wearing masks and social distancing. Thank you also to our town attorney, Vincent Marino for reminding us of legal order.
This is a question for all candidates running for all offices in Greenwich in November – RTM, State Representative and State Senate. The constituents deserve to know where they stand. The League of Women Voters compiles a list of candidates with their positions on local matters and will hold debates this fall before the election.
Mr. Higbie, do you care enough about each and every one of the people you represent in your District 8 and the Town of Greenwich enough to wear a mask?
Monica Prihoda, Old Greenwich