WALKO: Vote for Fazio

Submitted by Stephen Walko

I am writing to express my strong support for Ryan Fazio in his bid for re-election as our State Senator. Ryan is not only a dedicated public servant but also a compassionate and thoughtful individual who truly understands the needs of Greenwich. Over the years, I have seen many politicians come and go, but Ryan stands out for his unwavering commitment to representing the people he serves, not boilerplate political slogans meant to excite us but lack substance.

Ryan constantly fights to maintain local control, ensuring that the unique needs of Greenwich are not lost in the broader political landscape.  Ryan prioritizes people ahead of propaganda, and that makes all the difference.  His thoughtful approach and deep understanding of our State’s challenges and opportunities have made him an effective advocate for Greenwich.

I am bothered by the negative and false attacks leveled against Ryan.  The spreading of falsehoods to scare the people of Greenwich serves only to undermine the democratic process and reflects poorly on those making the attacks. Such fear mongering is exactly the opposite of the quintessential attributes of Ryan; compassion, thoughtfulness and candor.

In Ryan, we have a first-class representative who not only listens to his constituents but works tirelessly on their behalf.  I strongly encourage my fellow residents to support Ryan Fazio to remain our State Senator—he is exactly the kind of leader we need at this crucial time.  From and for Greenwich, vote Fazio!