SHERMAN: The idea that national politics don’t affect our communities is not only wrong — it’s dangerous.

Submitted by Ruth Sherman, Old Greenwich

Every election, local Republicans avoid addressing controversial national issues by claiming they have no bearing on us locally. This year, that excuse falls apart. National policies are hitting home, with the most glaring example being the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. That ruling didn’t just erase a fundamental right — it handed the power back to states. As a result, women and girls in states with harsh abortion bans are being forced into devastating situations: bearing their rapists’ children, facing infertility due to delayed care, and in some tragic cases, losing their lives. These are real consequences, and Connecticut is not immune.

But Roe is just one example. Gun violence, a national epidemic, remains a pressing issue here. As a gun owner, I support Connecticut’s strong firearm regulations. But make no mistake: we are only one Supreme Court decision away from having those protections stripped away. When local Republicans claim national issues don’t affect us, they ignore the real danger we face if extremist policies undermine or supersede our state and local laws.

The environment is another area where national policies impact our daily lives. Weakening the EPA leaves us vulnerable to polluted air and water. Coastal states like Connecticut are particularly at risk from climate change, yet Republicans ignore the role national leadership must play in fighting this global crisis.

Civil rights are also under threat. The national conservative movement is increasingly targeting LGBTQ+ rights. After the overturning of Roe v. Wade, many of our LGBTQ+ neighbors worry about what comes next — whether their marriage, healthcare, or even their basic freedoms could be jeopardized. The idea that national politics don’t affect our communities is not only wrong — it’s dangerous.

We can not let local Republicans hide behind the claim that national issues don’t matter at the local or state level, whether it’s unpopular policies or whom they support for president. They matter. And that’s why I’m supporting our Democratic candidates for the State House — incumbents Rachel Khanna, Hector Arzeno, and Steve Meskers — who have consistently stood up for Connecticut families and our values, and Nick Simmons, our Democratic challenger for State Senate, who will join them in fighting to protect our rights.

This election, we’re not just voting for local representation — we’re voting to preserve our reproductive freedom, gun safety, the environment, voting rights, 1st Amendment rights, and civil rights. These are not distant, theoretical issues. They affect us here and now. Only Democrats are committed to safeguarding these rights and freedoms.

So, I urge you to vote straight Row A to ensure Connecticut remains a state that stands for and protects progress, equality, and justice.

Ruth Sherman