Oberlander: Simmons and Meskers are Invested in Their Districts

Submitted by Jill Oberlander, Greenwich

I was glad to attend Tuesday night’s debate sponsored by the Greenwich League of Women Voters. It was well organized and attended, informative, and, for the most part, had a considerate and respectful audience. I thank all the candidates for running for public office, for debating in the public realm, and for keeping their supporters from heckling their opponents.

These simple facets of democracy that many of us take for granted weren’t always the case in Greenwich. As Alma Rutgers wrote in last Sunday’s Greenwich Time, competition for Greenwich state legislature seats wasn’t always the norm. Town Republicans effectively had a lock on all eligible State House seats for over 100 years and on Senate District 36 for 86 years, which discouraged candidates from stepping up. Just a few years ago, candidates from one political party refused to participate in the non-partisan League’s debate and in recent years audience members shouted down candidates when they disagreed with their answers. (It is too bad that one side of the Town Hall Meeting Room still had to put up with the inconsiderate mumblings of a former Town party chair).

Importantly, the candidates’ responses to community submitted questions affirmed my choices for the state legislature. Here’s why.

Stephen Meskers proved to have a far-ranging and deep understanding of the issues Greenwich residents care about and concerns across the state. Stephen documented his concern for all Greenwich residents by working hard these past years to support individuals, local non-profits, and our Town government’s priorities. Stephen, with his colleagues Rachel Khanna and Hector Arzeno, successfully advocated for and realized millions of dollars in funding for our community. This team also engaged with Assembly colleagues and others across lower Fairfield County to challenge and modify bills that would negatively impact Greenwich. Stephen is currently a valued member of the Assembly with assignments on four important committees: Finance, Revenue and Bonding; Energy and Technology; Insurance and Real Estate; and Commerce, where he also serves as Chair. Greenwich would be well-served by sending him back to Hartford for another term.

Nick Simmons, a newcomer to Greenwich politics, showed that he is personally invested in the community and its current and historical values. A strong and transparent supporter of gun safety regulations and women’s reproductive freedom, Nick evidenced a commitment to fighting for all Greenwich residents. Unfortunately, Nick’s opponent’s voting record, past statements, and answers Tuesday evening prevent me from reaching a similar conclusion on these two important issues. I am still uncertain of how Nick’s opponent would vote on bills that would roll-back existing Connecticut law. I agree that access to contraception is important, and I also know that it is not the same as access to abortion.

While this is Nick’s first run for office, he has a deep understanding of Greenwich and is committed to its continued success: he grew up in town and has chosen to raise his family in the district. I did not know Nick prior to last year, so I was able to observe his work-ethic and commitment to our town and this district with a fresh perspective. Nick has earned my support because he is thoughtful about the issues and has shown up and worked incredibly hard to get to know individuals, regardless of political affiliation. Importantly, Nick is well-liked across the political spectrum and, as a result, I believe he would be a stronger advocate for the entire district.

For these reasons, I ask you to join me in voting for Stephen Meskers for Connecticut Assembly District 150 and Nick Simmons for Connecticut Senate District 36.