BOE Democratic Caucus: First Selectman’s Actions on BOE Vacancy Are a Power Grab

Submitted by Karen Hirsh, Laura Kostin, Sophie Koven and Kathleen Stowe, Board of Education Democratic Caucus

The Board of Education conducted a thorough and transparent process to fill the seat vacated by Karen Kowalski, following board policy and state statute. We met with six candidates, all registered Republicans, who were given the equal opportunity to answer the same questions and share information about their relevant personal and professional experience. The goal of the board was to identify a new member with the time, interest, and relevant experience to be an active and engaged board member. At the October 17th Board of Education meeting the majority of members were ready and prepared to vote.

Anticipating the election of a candidate the Republican caucus did not favor, and with a Republican member abruptly departing, the remaining Republicans then asked the Democrats to delay the vote. They suggested we do this to be collegial and work together; the Board acquiesced and publicly stated that a vote would be held at a meeting on Wednesday, October 23rd.

The Republican Board members then apparently worked behind the scenes with Selectman Fred Camillo, who Monday morning called for a special meeting of the Board of Selectmen on Tuesday, October 22nd, in an attempt to illegally appoint his own candidate. The BOS called this vote without following their own processes, failing to interview any candidates, nor they did even list the names of the candidates they were considering for the position. Additionally, the BOS gave no notice to the Board of Education of their intentions nor of the scheduled meeting. Why did the First Selectman attempt to illegally insert himself in board vacancy election process, contrary to state statute, the Greenwich Town Charter and historical precedent? It appears to be a simple power grab. In Tuesday’s meeting Camillo explicitly and repeatedly stated that he wants any new Republican member to commit in advance to vote for a Republican chair.

In order to ensure that the Board follow the law of our state and the provisions of our Town charter, the Board of Education held an emergency meeting and voted Monday, October 21st, to fill the vacancy.

Mr. Camillo’s attempt at a blatant power grab ignores the legal autonomy of the Board of Education, which is an entity of the State, and breaks with the long tradition of the Town of Greenwich to maintain bipartisanship on the Board of Education. Camillo willingly ignored all normal processes for BOS appointments and recklessly and flagrantly violated the law, all in an attempt to oust someone he apparently views as threatening to his power. Who is this person who has Fred Camillo so afraid? She is Jen Behette, a Republican, a former teacher, a PTA leader, a Junior League member and a mother of three GPS students.

Jen Behette was sworn in on Tuesday, October 22nd as a member of the Board of Education. In the past few days, Jen has already demonstrated her unwavering dedication to the schools and a resilience that surpassed our expectations and confirmed that she will be an excellent addition to the Board of Education. Welcome, Jen.

Karen Hirsh, Laura Kostin, Sophie Koven and Kathleen Stowe
Board of Education Democratic Caucus