Sean Goldrick

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GOLDRICK: The Facts Show We Have Cash Reserves to Invest In Our Schools

“The town of Greenwich does, indeed, possess tens of millions of dollars in cash reserves it can, and should, put to use for our sorely needed school capital projects.  The reason Mr. Camillo and BET Republicans refuse to do so is their deep-seated hostility toward our public school system.  They are determined to delay, deny, and underfund our schools.  They’ve done it for years, and they will continue to do so until they’re voted out.  And that is the bottom line.” – Sean Goldrick, Riverside Continue Reading →

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OPINION: It’s Time to Put Our Cash Reserves to Use For Our School Projects

“Greenwich town government is awash with cash, and this is the time to put some of that cash to use for our school capital projects.  I believe that Greenwich should allocate up to $40 million from our $92.2 million cash reserves towards those projects.  Here’s why.” – Sean Goldrick Continue Reading →

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Goldrick: BET Republicans ignored the values of the community

“Contrary to Drake’s insinuation that Greenwich spends a great deal on education, that 46% figure actually ranks far below virtually every other suburban municipality in the state. Indeed, most comparable suburban Connecticut towns allocate a vastly higher percentage of their total budgets, between 60%-75%, to fund their school systems. A key reason that our school system’s budget comprises such a small proportion of the budget is that Greenwich enrolls the smallest percentage of its school-aged children in its public school system of any municipality in Connecticut.” – Sean Goldrick Continue Reading →

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GOLDRICK: Drawing from our town’s cash reserves is our moral responsibility

“The point is that the town has tens of millions of dollars in cash reserves available to support our schools budget, millions that were taken from taxpayers’ pockets precisely to be used in this type of short-term situation in order to avoid the cuts that the BET Republicans are demanding we incur. We were not taxed tens of millions of dollars to have that money sit unused forever. ” – Sean Goldrick, former BET member Continue Reading →

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