gun violence

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PAULMENO: Are lives of children and seniors less valuable than the life of Brett Kavanaugh?

“…a grossly watered-down version of the House bill has been approved by the Senate. I’m proud of the legislators on both sides of the aisle who were able to move us baby-steps closer to something meaningful, but this compromise bill is a pathetic ghost of the changes needed.” – Stephanie Paulmeno Continue Reading →

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GROUP LETTER: Fazio makes false claims about police accountability bill

“At a candidate debate last week, Fazio recalled his prediction last year that the bill would lead to a ‘massive precipitation of crime and violence’ and then pointed to the sharp increase in gun homicide in Connecticut during the pandemic as proof of his assertion. There’s just one inconvenient truth for Fazio: the accountability provisions he calls “awful” don’t go into effect until 2022.” Continue Reading →

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