Housing Authority Chair: With His Fake News and False Accusations, Litvack Should Go back to the Fantasy World

Letter to the editor submitted by Sam Romeo, Oct 31, 2017

Dear Editor,

You can tell it is election time in Greenwich when you have Democrat Sandy Litvack pull out the old “Democrat Play Book” and throw out fake news and false accusations without providing any proof in his letter to the editor.

I think it is deplorable that someone who wants to lead the town, would stoop so low, as to use the residents of public housing, to try to make a wedge issue for his campaign.

We at the Greenwich Housing Authority can back up and prove these are false allegations by Mr. Litvack. I would like to personally challenge him to produce the proof that the housing authority is negligent in management of all of its properties. There are procedures and policies that all of the residents know about.

We review them constantly with residents and we follow them. We expect the residents to do the same. I have gone through all of the Housing Authority work orders and have found nothing to verify Mr. Litvack’s allegations. Let me repeat. These allegations are false.

When residents make a call for service – a work order is generated and the resident is given a copy of it. In the event that it is a serious problem – it is acted on immediately, if not, then action is taken within 48 hours.

Mr. Litvack has nothing to run on and he knows it. He is attempting to make an issue regarding the Housing Authority. His information is obviously coming from sources other than Housing Authority management. I don’t believe he has bothered to contact any member of the Greenwich Housing Authority Board to clarify any of his allegations.

Third party hearsay is not how you gather factual information of any kind, for any purpose.

I would like to share some facts for Mr. Litvack. The Greenwich Housing Authority has spent over 13 million dollars in “upgrades” in our existing housing units and in the building of new affordable housing in the past five years.

In the next five years, in accordance with our capital plan of new construction and upgrades, we will be spending another 20 million dollars.

Perhaps Mr. Litvack would like to tour our facilities. As a candidate for First Selectman, Mr. Litvack should also know that The Greenwich Housing Authority is not a town department and only comes under State and HUD Authorities.

We at the Greenwich Housing Authority know all our residents. I, especially have made it my priority, to give out my personal cell phone number to all the residents at our “travel” board meetings and let them know that if they feel there is an issue not being addressed or if a problem arises – day or night – that they can call me immediately.

My advice to Mr. Litvack is to go back to the fantasy world he must be living in. Maybe this political endeavor isn’t the right fit for someone who is obviously so irresponsible.

Sam Romeo
Chairman, Greenwich Housing Authority