Two Greenwich Grads. One Road.



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GHS Graduation 2014.

I had two graduates this year; a high schooler and a college grad.

What a completely different vibe each brings.

Ever since committing to the University of her choice earlier this year, my high school grad has gazed wide-eyed down the road ahead, dreaming of a Pottery Barn-esque dorm room.

With a perpetual smile on her face she was prone to skipping and singing out loud. I wouldn’t have been surprised to see animated bluebirds of happiness swirling above her happy college-bound head, just like in a Disney movie.

She would rattle off the names of colleges and universities some of the other kids will be going off to with the same ease a sport’s caster can relay player’s stats.

She anticipates four years of an all-inclusive stay at an Academic Club Med, with a gold-plated meal plan.

Life is good. High School is done. College is so much cooler.


While the high school grad is full of dreamy anticipation, having lived off the fumes of that perfect college visit on a crisp Autumn weekend last year, the college grad is all business. He’s got equal doses of excitement and fear coursing through his veins.

The reality of looking for a job is his mission. The college grad believes his life is just beginning. Forget that he was born 22 years ago. That was all dress rehearsal for this moment, when he has totally emerged from the safe cocoon of the path he had to take, to begin a journey down a path he now will make.

The prospect of having a real job with a reliable paycheck is within his grasp. He’s had many interviews. He’s landed some meaningful work experience this summer that will add street cred to his resume.

The Ramen Noodles of his past will soon be replaced with the Linguine Vongole in his future, no doubt to be enjoyed in the Pottery Barn apartment he dreams of inhabiting one day soon.

The college grad has worked hard to earn his degree and he’s now looking for that degree to start working for him.

While it appears my two grads don’t have much in common, they are, in fact, both travelling down the same road.

One is happily taking in the view, while the other has a clear destination.